You can help someone leave the streets behind

Will you help make tonight someone's last night on the streets?

Paul Weller - I Woke Up (Official Video)

A big thank you to Paul Weller, Johnny Harris, Director of ‘I Woke Up’, Polydor and Alan Williams, who stars, for raising awareness of homelessness and for involving St Mungo’s.

© Paul Weller | This video is hosted on YouTube ( St Mungo’s is not responsible for the content of this channel.

You can be there for someone experiencing homelessness

Paul Weller's 'I Woke Up' music video shows the story of one man who is forced to sleep rough. But there are thousands of people with a similar story.

Every day people wake up on the streets. Which is why every night our outreach teams are working hard, trying to find them and bring them into safety.

Please consider making a donation to help more people leave the streets behind for good.

£50 could buy warm clothes for someone who has been sleeping rough.

£25 could help buy essentials such as toiletries and bedding for someone staying with us.

£10 could help buy a nutritious meal for someone experiencing homelessness.